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Story Week 2023 Australian Poetry Slam

8 October 2023

In the Playhouse

Talks and Ideas

This is your call to listen, watch and cheer. Australian Poetry Slam is here. The door is open. The mic is on. Push into the crowd and find your spot.

Poets spin words that must be spoken

The Australian Poetry Slam storm returns. Listen as writers flex vocal cords with a new voice. Turning their moments of “” into MomentUm. Spitting new poetic revolutions. Watch poets with two minutes on the mic build MomentUm and roar to be heard.

Judged by you, the audience, 16 of the nation’s best wordsmiths grab their moment in the spotlight as they battle  for the title “2023 Australian Poetry Slam Champion” and a prize worth $20,000, including publishing opportunities and gigs from Byron to Bali. 

Hannah Diviney, the author and disability activist who drove Beyonce and Lizzo to remove ableist slurs from their lyrics, opens the slam with her own fight the power story.

Don't miss reigning champion Jo Yang, who will deliver her final performance before she hands over the crown.

Australian Poetry Slam National Final is the crescendo of Story Week 2023 #SW23.

Presented by Word Travels

Artist information

Feature Performers
Hannah Diviney
Jo Yang
Australian Poetry Slam 2023 National Finalists 

Creative Director
Miles Merrill

Project Manager/Senior Administrator
Natasha Younger

Creative Producer
Jden Redden

Production Manager
Kim Tan

Programming Coordinator
Defne Huzmeli

Creative Producer - First Nations and Community
Luke Patterson

Development Coordinator
Daiane Moret

Marketing Consultant
Aimee Huxley

Marketing Coordinator
Thomas Enriquez

Other information

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