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Two individuals dressed in monochromatic outfits sit on pedestals; one in pink with a crown on the left, and one in green with a crown on the right, both in similar regal poses against matching backgrounds.


Term 2

Primary School: Early Stage 1 - 3, Years K - 6
Learning area: Creative Arts, PDHPE, Civics and Citizenship

A madcap musical about childish grown-up world leaders, featuring two performers, songs, funny quarrels, a bit of bickering and eventually a happy ending.

A pissing match of the highest calibre.


Useful information:

A musical about childish world leaders

Winner of a “Zilveren Krekel” (Silver Crickets Youth Theatre award) for “Most Impressive Stage Production” in 2022. 

What does a toddler and your average world leader have in common? Do some presidents throw fits in the middle of a supermarket? Or scream furiously until they get their own way?  

In BullyBully, two world leaders meet in no man’s land. What follows is an awkward encounter between two childish but powerful adults who gradually get used to each other and learn to meet in the middle. 

This is a madcap musical about childish grown-up men, featuring two performers, songs, funny quarrels, a bit of bickering and eventually a happy ending. 

Sydney Opera House presents a Maas Theater and Dance’s production of BullyBully 

The Sydney Opera House season of BullyBully is supported by the Performing Arts Fund NL (Netherlands).

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About Maas Theatre En Dans

Maas is the largest theater and dance company for children, young people, and young adults in the Netherlands, with its own stage in Rotterdam. Maas offers a space where young and old can explore the world autonomously and with curiosity. The company creates bold youth theater for all ages, spreading across Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and internationally. Education and interaction are central, with talent development playing an important role. Maas strives for a just world where every child has the space for play and imagination. The collaboration between the company, stage, and education makes Maas unique.

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A group of girls wave at the camera in school uniform. The Sydney Opera House sails are seen blurry in the background.

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A young girl wearing a school uniform stares out a window in a Sydney Opera House foyer. The Sydney Harbour Bridge is seen in the background.

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