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Watch highlights from Nigella Lawson’s talk: Home cooking, community and #MeToo

Susie Anderson

On the occasion of her latest book At My Table: A Celebration of Home Cooking, we were delighted to welcome Nigella Lawson back to the Concert Hall stage. Encouraging everyone to enjoy the comfort food provides, Nigella has made her way into the hearts of the public with her charming manner and scrumptious turn of phrase. That’s what Nigella is all about—feeling good, enjoying food and the company food brings. Tuck into this hour delightful conversation with SBS Food Safari’s Maeve O’Meara, covering everything from the various uses of frozen peas, food trends to the #MeToo movement.

On cooking and community:
"Everyone talks about social media as if it's something that keeps us apart," said Lawson. "It’s a delusion of our age that it separates us from one another. But food really is a conversation.

"It's a privilege to be in people's homes and to be a part of that mesh that creates a family story."

On cooking and women:
"I think it's very good that young women are brought up to fight and stand up for themselves. Women of my generation were always encouraged to make men feel good about themselves. It's very good that there's a new generation of women being brought up who aren't being taught the most important thing is to make a man feel okay."

On cooking and memories:
"Food is often a backdrop to the people we're eating with or the memories that we have. So the thing about home cooking is that you're actually making memories.

"One of the most wonderful things about home cooking is that people all cook slightly differently in their own homes, that's the greatest thing about cooking is that we have our own ways."